#include using namespace std; void main() { //endl - end line // << stream insertion operator cout << "test\n" << endl; cout.flush(); //variable declaration // int - integer, whole numbers only (4 bytes) int age; age = 9; //variable assignment int x = 123; //declaration and initialization //cin is the input stream // >> stream extraction operator cout << "Age?"; cin >> age; cout << "multiplier"; cin >> x; cout << age * x << endl; //two way choice if(age > 40) { cout << "you are old" << endl; } else { cout << "you are young" << endl; } int i = 0; while(i < age) { cout << "I will not talk in class" << endl; i = i + 1; } //float f; //cout << "float? "; //cin >> f; //cout << f; }